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Amanda Lyons is an American-Trinidadian artist based in Boston, Massachusetts.  Lyons specializes in creating luxurious art pieces for homes, businesses, hotels, and restaurants.


Lyons pursued art alongside her studies in Psychology and International Business, with a minor in Spanish and Art History at the University of Arizona.


Life's stillness, color, culture and movement serve as inspiration for Lyons. Her artwork has been exhibited and internationally collected throughout Europe, the Caribbean, North and South America. 


During the summer of 2021 after living a decade in California, Amanda was facing an unexpected rare and aggressive cancer diagnosis at the age twenty nine. After four months of being misdiagnosed, Amanda kept persistent after a biopsy revealed a Ewing's Sarcoma tumor was rapidly growing from her left zygomatic bone. Subsequently she fought through the debilitating pain of 49 chemotherapy treatments, 32 radiation, 5 blood transfusions and multiple surgeries along side receiving treatment at the world-renowned Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, Ma. Along with dealing with arising health obstacles post chemotherapy Lyons is currently working on a new body of work. 

Today, she continues to create vibrant art pieces that collectors hold across North America, the Caribbean and Europe. In 2022 whilst undergoing cancer treatment, Lyons released her poetry book, Mango Dew which debuted as an Amazon bestseller for Caribbean and Latin American poetry.


When Amanda is not painting or writing, she loves to travel by immersing herself in between the coconut trees, new cultures, hidden coastlines, cuisines, and museums.

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